Day 12 – Valleyberry-de-Salafield?

This French-speaking town is named after a British officer in the war of 1812, Charles de Salaberry, and a paper mill in Scotland, the Valleyfield Mills.

It is on an island in the St. Lawrence Seaway and has various canals. Therefore, it’s nicknamed, “The Venice of Québec”.

We think it should be called, “The Geneva of Québec”:

We spent a day at dock, taking care of practical things, catching up on work, exploring the town, and enjoying welcome dips in the swimming pool to beat the hot, humid weather.

Great dinner at “La Nouvelle Orléans”, a Cajun style restaurant.

Tomorrow, a big day awaits as we have to transit two lift bridges and two locks in the Beauharnois Canal.






2 responses to “Day 12 – Valleyberry-de-Salafield?”

  1. Maria Avatar

    Looking great!

  2. Dad/Charlie Avatar

    Sunset over Marina Valleyfield is yet another example of nature vs. Civilization, with nature easily winning once again (particularly against the awful overcrowding in the marina.

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