Day 69 – Life in Down East Maine

A short hop from one Penobscot Bay island, North Haven, to another, Isleboro.

Islesboro is typical of the small communities that we are encountering during our sail in Maine. One of the first things we noticed is the view of the breathtaking coastline and stunning hills. Isleboro is composed of several beautiful islands which lie near the center of Penobscot Bay. Although these islands are littered with a variety of boats from beautiful large and small sailboats to lobster boats to motorboats, it is quiet. You rarely see or hear a jet ski or loud speed boat. It is as if there is an unwritten law against loud noises. 

A second thing that makes Maine, including Islesboro, so unique is the impression of community, pride and safety that you get when you’re here. Although the people appear strong, confident, and self-sufficient, they seem to be connected to one another.  For example, this town, like all other towns in Maine, has a bustling public library. These libraries are busy day and night with children, parents, artists, speakers, and musicians. In addition, Maine has the lowest violent crime rate in the entire country. These communities take responsibility for their neighborhoods and seem to put in the time and work to run them exactly how they want.  And it is laid back.  No one really seems to care if your car is old or if you wear the same outfit to work every day. They are busy just living their lives. 

Finally, Maine effortlessly exudes tranquility.  This is not for everyone all of the time, but sometimes you just want to go on a vacation where you can relax.  This is that place. Maybe because it is remote or maybe because it is so rural, but you are never far away from a quiet place to go where you can just enjoy being outside in nature, whether on a boat, along the coastline or on foot in the mountains.






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